
Elder Deities

a cosmic god

Medeis was one of the first deities in the universe. It is unknown, how he came to be, but he had great power. He created star systems, suns and planets. He split the world into multiple planes of existence, all having their own function. He created magic and the essence of life. Not many people worship medeis, as he is thought to be dead. It is widelz believed that he was the parent of the twelve gods, who overlook the universe. He used all his powers to create his children, giving each of them a unique purpose.
When he was at his weakest, Ond, the God of Hell, cut his head of, killing him. Immediatelz after, another deity arrived. Nox, the God of Death. It is said, that he guided Medeis' soul to a peaceful place outside of all the known universe.

a purple demon god

Ond came to be after Medeis created the Hells. For an unknown reason, presumably out of Medeis' control, he appeared in the pits of hell. His powers were almost, if not equal to that of Medeis. Medeis restricted Ond to the hells, not allowing him to meddle with other realms. Most believe it was because he saw the corruption in him, and decided to stop him, before he gets out of hand, however followers of Ond are certain, that was afraid of Ond's power. They say, He wanted to be the only one to have control over the Universe and he imprisoned Ond out of fear and jelousy of his superior powers. They believe Medeis created his children so that they can be stronger than Ond and keep him in line.
Whatever the reason, Ond grew to despise Medeis for what he had done to him. His anger, madness and pain boiled into hatred. After Medeis created his children, his power became weaker. This allowed Ond to escape from his prison and kill the one he hated most.
After a long fight, the 12 Gods managed to imprison Ond once again, but he was not done. He created various demons and devils in hell, to strengthen his army against the 12. It wasn't enough however. He made 8 Arch Dragons and unleashed them onto the gods' creation, Earth, which started the War Against the Dragons

a skeletal figure with a scythe

Nox was the final Elder to appear. He came to existance, shortly after The First Death, to guide Medeis to the afterlife. His purpose to look after the souls of the dead, and to keep the balance of Life and Death. He has later created many immortal deities who judge the fate of the deceased, and decide where in the afterlife thez are sent.
The God of Death has many followers, splitting into multiple religions based on the difference of their belief. The leading theory is that Nox despises necromancy and the magic ofbringing the dead back to life, for it upsets the balance. These clerics and paladins believe, that Nox gave them the ability, to manipulate and direct souls in order to guide them to the afterlife, and that using it to bring people back to their mortal coil is heresy. Others, however believe, Nox gave them this opportunity, because he trusts them to make the right decision of who needs to live or die.


a majestic white and pink griffin

Aeros, the Goddess of Wind is most commonly depicted as a majestic griffin, the ruler of the sky.
After her father's death, she quickly blew his head into the orbit of the sun, and shaped it with her winds to create Earth. Followers of Aeros are divided into multiple factions. Some might believe, that Aeros stands for tranguility and peace, while others believe she is a hyperactive deity, prone to making rash decisions. It is questioned whether she stands for the people of Earth or she despises them. People associate natural phenomena, suc as cyclones and tornadoes with the anger of Aeros, but others believe it is her divine judgement of those affected. For this, many might even dispise her.


a gigantic blue whale

Aecor, Goddess of Oceans is depicted as a whale, ruler of the seas. Most believe her to be emotional and easily upset.
Their explanation for this belief is of course the ocean's "unpredictable" nature. Tsunamis, whirpools and storms are explained as Aecor's anger toward earth. The cause of this anger differs by religion. Some think it is because the wars, the corruption of humanity and the disrespect towards nature upset her, while others view her as an evil goddess who causes chaos for her own enjozment. Either way, most view her actions as unjust, for it affects those, who did not add to the suffering of earth. Another belief is, that she acts for the balance of nature, not because of personal feelings.


a celestial bear sitting

Skog, goddess of the land, depicted as a bear is perhaps the least divisive god. She was the one, who created life on earth and blessed it with nature an fauna.
She is worshipped by druids all over the world, each believing in the balance of nature. Her followers strive to keep the natural land and animals safe from the corruption of humanity.
It is commonly believed, that Skog, rarelz ever meddles with earth, and leaves her creations to evolve and change by themselves. She watches her creation with curiousity as it interacts with the world and eachother. Some think, however, that she has left earth to humanity, because she doesn't care for it. They believe she isn't the curious innocent god depicted, but someone who just did what their family asked them to do and distances herself from the gods.


a celestial orange dragon

Ignis, the God of Fire, depicted as a dragon, was the first to act after Medeis' death according to mythology. He recklessly attacked Ond, while, his siblings tried to stop him. His raw power was nothing against Ond's. The Demon God defeated him with ease and locked him in the sun. Ignis' power and rage caused the sun to expand and heat up. It almost exploded, when his sister, Frig managed to convince him to stop. If he broke free, the force of the exlposion would've wiped out everything Medeis created. It is said, that to this day he is imrisoned in the huge ball of fire.
It is common belief that he and Frig control the temperature of the Realms.
As any other god, he is depicted in various ways. Some believe he is a hot-headed, easily infuriated, angry being, while others view him as the god of warmth and good with the passion of fire.


a blue ice pheonix

Frig, Goddess of Ice, depicted as a pheonix, is often regarded as the one who oversees the relationship of her siblings as an "older sister". She is known for enforcing the decisions of Sophos and making sure everything goes according to plan among the gods. Many believe she has a sibling squarrel with Ignis, for they are the complete opposite of one another.
The view of the people is divided however. Some believe her to be a rational, kind upstanding deity, while others think of her as cold-hearted, controlling and sometimes even evil.


a goldfish in cosmos

Mercurius, the God of Luck, depicted as a goldfish, was the one who gave the people consciousness and thought.
Most believe he has no direct control of the universe, it is his commonlz believed that mere existance that creates luck and randomness. He is regarded as a god, who doesn't speak or partake in the control of Earth. Mercurius' followers often, however, offer tributes to him for good fortune, by those who believe he consciously affects the world. His name is commonly mentioned before a gamble, or anything, that people can not influence themselves.


a colorful peacock

Kunser, God of Art and Love, depicted commonly as a peacock, is the deity, that gave humanoids their artistic nature.
He imbued creativity and feelings into the souls of the people. Gave them the opportunity to express themselves and create beauty, that even Kunser himself couldn't come up with. His worshippers vow to freelz express themselves through works of art, be it music, picture or words. Bards often regard hm as their savior, for he gave purose to their life.
Kunser is perhaps, the least controversial god, for all believe that he is a free spirited, joyful deity, with no ill intentions.


a majestic lion head

Krieg, God of War and Fighters, commonly depicted as a lion, is the one who gave the people their will to fight.
Soldiers and fighters often pray to Krieg before a battle, to bless them with power and courage. His paladins are known to be brave and strong, people who are willing to stand up for what is right.
While many, believe he is a righteous god, who gave strength and will to the people to stand up against evil, a lot of people are of the opinion that He is an evil deity, who gave people anger and violence for his own amusement, watching the poople violently fight unnecessary battles.


a shiny, glimmering snake

Dolus, God of Mischief, depicted as a snake, gave the people of Arv greed, corruption and selfishness.
They are believed to be evil by most, as their actions hinder humanity as a whole. While there are not many, who worship them, those who do, are known to be selfish and greedy liars, who do everything for themselves, disregarding others, who they might hurt. Some even seek enjoyment from the suffering of others.
Dolus is the most present in the lives of the people. It is said, that they often directly influences the actions of people, or even uses them for his own amusement.
It is known, tat they has a rivalry with Sophos, the wise. He tried to trick him many times to prove that he is more cunning than him.


an owl with a cosmic background

Sophos, God of Wisdom, depicted as an owl, gave the people of arv their ability to think and learn.
He is regarder as a neutral god, but loved by all, as he is the one who gave them consciousness and differed them from animals as humanity. His followers are known to yearn for knowledge. They are often scientists or teachers, who put knowledge above everything.
It is believed, that Sophos has little to no direct influence on the world, as he was done, when he gave the people their intelligence.


a glowing blue salamander

Congeria, Godess of Chaos, depicted as a blue salamander, is a mysterious being, even among the gods.
While Mercurius is believed to take a passive stance on godhood with his randomness, almost all believe, that Congeria delibaretaly causes chaos among Arv. She is known for making rash decisions and causing havoc on the world. For every natural disaster, Congeria is the first to be named.
Most believe she is purelz chaotic for her own amusement, while others think her actions are needed in order for people to strive for order and appreciate peaceful times. Even in legends, while interacting with the other gods, she is described as random, uncaring and insane.


an old, giant tortoise holding a glowing orb

Aevum, God of Time, started the flow of the universe. He began moving everything in a steady pace, after the death of his father
He deemed it necessary for eerything to corrode and age, so that life can be appreciated. Drarvew, elves and some other races are said to be blessed by Aevum for their long lifespan.
Followers of Aevum believe, everything must end, and those who meddle with the flow of time go against Aevum. They embrace the fact, that everything dies with time and find peace and purpose in that fact. However, not everyone is happy with this way of life. Some believe, that Aevum introduced age, out of fear and malice. They think, that if it wasn't for him, humanity could rise to the level of gods and they resent the god for this. A few even go as far, to claim that Aevum wants to end everything his sibling created out of jelousy or bad faith.